Friday, August 28, 2009

CityWellness is Back in Action!

CityWellness is back after a little hiatus...with much more info and many more experiences to share!!! Welcome. Here you will find information from Aarona and Chloe offering you different perspectives on awesome, healthy and creative lifestyle options! Stay tuned for more CityWellness you updates, stories and facts on the best in health, yoga, eco-fashion, urban living, workshops, teachers, outer city journeys, and more!!! Yay!

A Trip Out of NYC into a Live Heaven

This is Aarona, and currently I'm at one of David "Avocado" Wolfe's headquarters deep in the woods of Canada. It's been pure bliss here, especially for a New York city girl like myself. We've been hiking in the woods barefoot and the ground has felt amazingly soft and nourishing to my feet and whole body. We've been eating amazing foods and herbs from the land and starting our mornings with the most insane Superfood Smoothies EVER! Dandelion and I are whipping them up pitcher by pitcher - with some combination (or all) of the following - love, spring water, birch/chaga/reishi/hemp tea, amla, tribulus, shilajit, cacao, maca, gojis, raw honey, wild blueberries, fresh ground vanilla, tumeric, cayenne, hemp seeds, coconut butter - blended and strained...YUM! The result? A super warm, hot chocolate, rich flavored, high vibe tea blend, making us all feel GREAT. Lunch has been a walk through the garden, literally. Groovinda and I have been picking wild greens, peas, herbs, carrots, and tomatoes and topping it with a dressing completely sourced by fresh spring water from the land. My culinary skills are finding great inspiration here! How about some almond tumeric garlic dressing? Pecan, vanilla, honey dressing? It's been pure bliss and nourishing to the bone.

More and more, getting out of the city has become an absolute necessity for me. As much as I love the creative zest and active community a city offers, it's crucial to get a break from the city - offering your body, mind and spirit a much deserved unplug from the stresses that accumulate in urban dwellings.